Business Interviews
Marie-Louise Sciò: “It’s much more personal”
Benoît Astier de Villatte and Ivan Pericoli: “It’s a universe on its own”
Jon Gray: “Home is where the heart is”
Federico Marchetti: “You cannot be a follower”
Giorgio Armani: “We all need to step up”
Pierre Hermé: “It comes from curiosity”
Tony Wheeler: “I want to try somewhere different”
Frédéric Malle: “Something had to change”
Yves Béhar: “You can’t think selfishly about design”
Philipp Mainzer: “It just depends on how you use it”
Renzo Rosso: “We have gained respect”
Clive Davis: “You’ve got to earn it”
Dennis Paphitis: “Life without some excess, forget it”
Eric Wahlforss: “We had nothing else”
Richard Saul Wurman: “My world is a lattice”
Gerhard Steidl: “I turn everything upside down”
Ian Schrager: “It was like a lightning bolt”
Pierre Bergé: “Yves died at the right time”
- “I think all actors have to be dreamers. I think every citizen of every kind of society has to dream. If you stop dreaming, it’s over.”Bruce DernUS, Actor
- “I would say that a strong work ethic is a vital ingredient for success. That’s something I was born with, I’m convinced of it; it was nothing that I acquired. If you take on anything, you try to do it your best.”Clive DavisUS, Record Producer
- “I think you know when you’re playing it safe, when you’re stagnating, and when you’re growing. It’s probably an ongoing thing for all of us — and a tricky balance. I try to learn at least one thing on every album, to reach out. I become my own teacher.”BjörkIceland, Musician
- “It’s hard to watch the misses, it’s hard to be criticized. But you’re always trying to hit it into the rafters, and damn the consequences if you don’t make it.”Chiwetel EjioforUK, Actor
- “When I was younger I had these moments where I was surprising myself with my spontaneity, and I thought, ‘This is what you should be chasing.’ The cerebral part of acting and the perfectionism can be exhausting, but the spontaneity can be very joyful.”Edward NortonUS, Actor
- “If you work with somebody for a long time, you have to challenge them otherwise you jeopardize your relationship. You have to constantly reinterpret your work together and provide a new vision of your relationship.”Willy VanderperreBelgium, Photographer
- “When you are at a crossroads, mistakes can help you decide the right way forward, and I think I really grew when I understood that I need to accept my mistakes.”Ana RošSlovenia, Chef
- “Belief is very important. It’s like when you are riding a horse and you want it to go to the left, you look to the left first and then pull the horse’s head. As a human being it is the same thing: wherever you put your attention is probably where you are going to find yourself.”Colin FarrellIreland, Actor
- “If I knew that tomorrow a meteorite would destroy our planet, I would start shooting a new film today.”Werner HerzogGermany, Film Director
- “I just keep imagining myself thirty years from now thinking, ‘Why didn’t you take advantage of all the opportunities you had? Look at all the people you could have worked with, the roles you could have done. Go for it.’ And that’s what I am thinking.”Leonardo DiCaprioUS, Actor
- “To be an artist, you must start with a considerable drive; in my case it was a fierce madness, a wildness. I think that’s the mark of an artist, actually, that they are rebellious, unruly… And I was one of them myself.”Georg BaselitzGermany, Artist
- “It’s important to say no – especially earlier in your career – because life is short and you want to be proud of things that you have done, not ashamed of them.”Peter DinklageUS, Actor
- “I have a tattoo that goes around my right wrist that looks like barbed wire, but it’s actually ANDAND linked together, which stands for “A New Dawn, A New Day.” It’s about waking up every day knowing that you have a chance to start again and forgive and be forgiven and to let go of yesterday.”Susan SarandonUS, Actress
- “Writing itself should be so extreme, so wild, and so much fun that it doesn’t matter whether or not you ever sell the book.”Chuck PalahniukUS, Author
- “I never have been into trends. Not now or then! I was born like that, in fact, if I see too much of something, I change it. I like independence. I love the eccentrics. Find your style and stick to it.”Manolo BlahnikSpain, Shoe Designer
- “Life is confounding and who knows what’s around the next corner. But in many ways uncertainty can be exhilarating—there’s a lot of freedom in it. It would be a shame to waste our snippet of time on this planet being afraid.”Deborah LandauUS, Poet
- “If people don’t like the pictures, I don’t care. To me, there’s only one point of view: that’s mine.”Harry BensonUK, Photographer
- “I really lacked confidence at the very beginning. At first I was quite intimidated! I wasn’t accepted in the kitchen initially, I wasn’t part of the system; the other chefs didn’t welcome me. But in the end, those experiences made all the difference. It freed me.”Anne-Sophie PicFrance, Chef
- “One of the reasons why I have this much success is because I’m hard on myself. Until now, I never really saw myself as a talented chef! I don’t take the easy way. I put in the time. From the age of 17 until 23, I didn’t take any vacations, I had almost no days off.”Tim RaueGermany, Chef
- “I think every person who is curious is more fascinating, and exploration is a big part of that. If you know everything in advance, if you're too self-confident, then everything will stop at some point.”Haider AckermannColombia, Fashion Designer
- “I think you always have to have risk when you’re creating a piece of art. Without that, I don’t understand really what the drive is to succeed. It’s the risk factor that, weirdly, keeps you feeling safe. It keeps you on your toes.”Thea SharrockUK, Theater Director
- “I can’t make people happy if I’m not happy myself. That applies to anyone who tries to achieve something in their life: if you’re not happy, you can’t transfer any happiness to anyone else.”Ferran AdriàSpain, Chef
- “Sometimes when you lose faith and you understand that something will never be possible the way that you dreamed, but you keep trying, suddenly one thing flips and everything re-accommodates. It totally flows. You don’t give up — and suddenly it’s almost a transcendental thing.”Alejandro IñárrituMexico, Film Director
- “My whole purpose in life is to communicate what I’m doing. I see myself as a modern nomad and a soldier at the same time. Being mainstream won’t change me because once I have something to perform, a task, then I’m a soldier. And I’ve always been a soldier.”Marina AbramovićSerbia, Artist
- “You’re always looking for a second chance. You’re always looking to do a little bit better than you did the last time. And you hope that the readers will stay with you.”Stewart O’NanUS, Author
- “I think it’s so good to try new things and open the window and let some fresh air in and try to eliminate any regrets.”Diane LaneUS, Actress
- “It’s been a lot harder than I thought it was going to be to make the films I really dream of making. It’s heartbreaking when that happens, but it’s all okay. It requires patience.”Ethan HawkeUS, Actor
- “If you’re doing one thing, you can burn yourself out. But for me, if ever one of those things burnt out, I would have moved to another one. So it makes it difficult but it makes it possible to keep going.”Peter BlakeUK, Artist
- “You can work hard at this skill forever, you never reach the end; you never are a master, you’re never done. Writing is endless and I like that. I like that you can never conquer it.”Sheila HetiCanada, Author
- “Having come out as a gay man and the self-confidence that gives you is huge! It affects every aspect of your life, including my work. People like honesty. They respect honesty. And my film career took off once I came out.”Ian McKellenUK, Actor
- “I am less anxious to have a successful career. There were times when I was anxious — even in the past, people said, ‘You make successful films.’ But my films were never successful. Even The Godfather got a terrible review. My films did better over time.”Francis Ford CoppolaUS, Film Director
- “The truth. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. And that’s it! May it be ugly, may it be beautiful, may it be perverse, may it be all of those things. That’s it, I can’t lie; it is what it is, unabashed, naked. I expect that of myself, that’s for sure.”Steve McQueenUK, Film Director
- “Even though I wanted to be minimal, for the first 20 years in my career all I did was add things; more courses, more ingredients. Only three years ago I was confident to start focusing on removing, and this is when I finally created a dish where I felt like I achieved what I tried to do for 23 years.”Daniel HummSwitzerland, Chef
- “I don’t think I’m ever going to stop wanting to see and experience things. I think the day that you don’t long for that anymore is the day you have kind of given up.”Sienna MillerUK, Actor
- “I always say ideas drive the boat. Ideas are a huge, huge blessing. That’s the thing you try to catch – an idea that you fall in love with. The whole thing doesn’t come at once, but fragments of things come and these fragments form themselves into a script. It’s a process.”David LynchUS, Film Director
- “I believe that you’re a result of the choices that you make. Each action has a reaction. Somehow it’s just all connected and I wouldn’t change any of it.”Lars UlrichDenmark, Musician
- “I think when you’re an artist who’s been around for a while like I have you understand that it’s almost impossible to make work that is unanimously loved or understood! You can’t please everyone, and that is a great realization.”Shirin NeshatIran, Artist
- “I think the key to having a successful career is to find the thing you do well and do it again and again for the rest of your life. But I’m interested in expanding my language as an artist and as a composer. And I try to expand it with every project.”Jóhann JóhannssonIceland, Composer
- “You don’t have to please everybody. As long as you and the people whose opinions you respect are comfortable and happy with it, then… keep going! Keep making that weird stuff.”Craig GreenUK, Fashion Designer
- “I try not to look back. I’m looking forward. I’m worried more about what I’m going to do next week than I am what I did last week. There are too many things to do. Looking back is for everybody else.”Neil YoungCanada, Musician